Friday, August 26, 2016

As summer winds down, we are preparing for school to start - but the fun is not over yet!  Next up, the annual ProJac State Fair Extravaganza!!!  Omgosh, this is a weekend we all look forward to, and this one was even better because Grampy decided to join us for Friday - which just happened to be Prince Day - so we all dressed in our purple garb.

Knowing that Harper would not be able to hang for 12 hours at the fair, we dropped her off at Albert, picked up Matteo and slugged our way to a parking spot near the fairgrounds.  I spend the afternoon with the boys - walking the grounds, people watching, craft beer drinking, eating, catching the lumberjack show, eating, camera bombing the local news broadcast, eating, and checking out the biggest pig - and did I mention we there was some eating?

Grampy left around 5pm, and AP, Tbone and the girls joined us, for the second shift.  The next 6 hours included some repeats (like the craft beer and eating) but also included rides and rides and games and rides!

The kids were incredible, and we even got to see the fireworks on the trek home around 11pm.

 Seriously - impressive.

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