Sunday, October 19, 2014

M(adison)EA Weekend

Thank goodness for MEA break.  It provides a perfict opportunity for a fall roadtrip.  We were super bummed that Lola and T couldn't join us this year.  I thought maybe this would be our first "family" excursion, but T had to work - so Harper had to pretend Lola was in the backseat the entire drive.

Let me take a moment and give some respect to the Mother (Nature, of course).  The drive was incredible.  It was breathtaking and stunning and nothing like I had ever seen.  We gaped out the window, for a majority of the drive.  It was a postcard, once we crossed the border.

 As usual, we ate at great restaurants, Colie cooked some fantastic vegetables (did you know parsnips taste exactly like mashed potatoes??) and played games.  We did have a Madcity first!  It was our first visit to the theater.  We purchased front row tickets to see the production of "James and the Giant Peach".  We got dressed up (Nicole and Harper in tights) and went out to dinner.  I was a bit nervous, because the play didn't begin until 7pm, which is a bit late for the ninja and gnome, but they were so excited and entertained, before we knew it, we were standing with applause.
 Super. Awesome.

H is feeling a bit pink today.

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