Sunday, August 3, 2014

 The end of summer began with a trip to MAD-city.  And, for the first time, in a long time, Andy was able to come along.  (Have I mentioned that we pretty much love this stay-at-home-daddy gig???)  We packed up the Prius, and began the trek to Wisco. 

 We hit up the usual hot spots: the zoo (but this time we went on the carousel!!) and the capital, and the crazy good restaurants.  We and brunch and went to the market, and drank local beer on the deck.

We watched classic movies including "The Princess Bride" (aka - the true love movie) and "The Never Ending Story" (aka the big puppy movie). 

 We biked to the park, and Bennett threw up on the ride home - due to an incredible amount of spinning on the merry-go-round. (so weird, but true.)

Oh, Colie and Wisco... We love you and will see you soon.

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