Friday, July 18, 2014

School of Blues

The below pics, are - by far - my favorite action sequence of the summer.  While at Rose Lake, Harper was insistent on going fishing with Grampy and B.  She hopped off the couch, grabbed her pole and marched down to the dock.  With a mighty thrust, she casted her line (about a foot).
The stunned look on her face was priceless.  "LOOK, MA MA!!!!!!!!! LOOK!!!!! I CAUGHT SOMETHIN' I CAUGHT SOMETHIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"MA-MA!  IT'S A BLUE GILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The second cast was equally dramatic and successful for the gnome - and her excitement only grew with each cast off the long dock.

Yes, sweet Harper did catch many blue gills that July evening.  In fact, she caught same little plastic blue fish every time - considering it was permanently attached to her Barbie fishing pole.

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