Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Big Guy & Freddie

Last weekend, Andy and I took the kids to see Santa.  I really can't describe accurately how excited Bennett was to see the Big Guy.  From Papa and Grandma's house to Santa's village, Bennett chatted about what he would say to Santa, what Santa's favorite things are, how Santa flies, what Santa likes to eat for lunch (this trip is ninety minutes).  He dashed through the mall, and hopped while we waited in line.  After about 30 minutes of hopping, I asked if he needed to use the bathroom.  There was NO WAY this kid was giving up his spot in line, so he danced and pranced until it was his turn.  (Then, he decided he didn't want to have an accident on Santa's lap, so we let a few families go ahead of us, while I held our spot, and the boys made a run for the nearest restroom.)
  Bennett held up two hands, and asked for some "private time" with Santa.  He shook Santa's hand, introduced himself and took the coveted spot on Santa's lap.  After adequate alone time, Bennett then called for his sister to join Santa for the obligatory picture.  As we left, Mrs. Claus chuckled and said, "That boy is going places."

And then, there is Freddy.
Freddy is a scout elf.  He reports to Santa each evening the behavior of the Prose children.  After his trip to the North Pole, Freddy hides in various locations around our house.  Each morning, Bennett scrambles out of bed to find Freddy.  Unfortunately, Freddy will return to his native home on Christmas Eve, but he will come back us next year (maybe right after Halloween??).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You Better Watch Out

numero cuatro

On November 10, Bennett turned four years old.  Birthdays are a big deal in the Prose House, so Bennett really had a birthmonth.  He celebrated on the actual day, with his best friends and some aliens.  He celebrated on the weekend with his parentals and T.  He celebrated the following weekend with Grammy, Grampy and the Great Ones.  He celebrated the following weekend with the Prose Family, and the day after with Colie and T (again).  Needless to say, turning 4 is no joke.

Monday, November 22, 2010

lefse, anyone?

Each November, the Proses gather to participate in a family tradition.  The past few years, I have missed this weekend due to grad class or pregnancy.  This year, I was intent on learning the process of making lefse.  Early Saturday morning, I packed up the kids and T (honorary Prose), and traveled to Pine City.  Making lefse is no joke.  Rita had the Prose kitchen set up with six stations.  Wes prepared the dough, T, Rita, Stephanie and I rolled, and Eric was in charge of the griddles.  The kids ran from one end of the house to the other, and tried not to get hurt.

We laughed a lot.  We made a big mess.  And, we each went with home with bags of lefse.  Tradition.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hey, everybody!!!!

I'm FOUR!!! 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

it used to be cool

Daylight savings time used to mean an extra hour of bar (and sleep) time.  Now it means...  taking videos of your kids??  Oi.
You may not believe this the hippest way to spend the 5am hour, but I will take it any day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is there a fire in there?!?!?!

Halloween this year was the best ever.  B is at the perfect age, he is so excited about every holiday.  We marked Halloween on the calendar in August, and have been counting down the days.  Grammy J made an unexpected, yet super welcomed visit.  So, not only was she here to witness the excitement, but she was able to take me to Target, and cook!  I do love my mom.

Bennett was a Fire Chief.  He has several fire fighting tools, and attached as many as possible to his belt.  The morning of Halloween, he was preparing all the necessary items.  He came up to me and said, "Mom.  Fire chiefs carry numchucks, right?"

H was a skunk - which couldn't be more appropriate.  I don't feel I need to elaborate.  However, she was a happy skunk.

It's become a tradition to Trick-or-Treat with the Kral family.  They live in the perfect neighborhood (think Wistera Lane, sans the murderous neighbors), with big candy bars and lots of porch lights.  Rae was Minnie Mouse, and Lex a pirate.  It was difficult to discern what B was more excited about - the festivities of Halloween, or spending time with his best friend.

On the way to the Kral house, I told B he may have to help the little girls, as Lex and H were new to this adventure.  He thought about it, then piped up, "But, Mom?  I'm not really a Halloween teacher..."

Where's AP you ask?  He was packing the stroller.

Five Month Stats

Harper Nicole
     *13.2 lbs (32%)
     *25 inches  (64%)
     *Diet of cereal & 6 oz milk
     *FINALLY, sleeping through the night - 6pm-6am (ahhhhhh - can you hear me singing??)

Bennett loving refers to his baby sister as "Harps".  He is often checking on her, and snuggling her, playing legos near her, and waiting anxiously until she can "actually DO something".  Bennett is convinced that Harper can talk, but can only say, "Hi, B."

Harper runs pretty hot and cold.  She is screaming one second, and the next laughing through her big tears.  I've found that my parents think this is quite comical.  They also sharing a knowing glance when H sticks her thumb in her mouth.  Not sure what that is all about...

Ms. Kelli says that Harper is one happy babe, very content to watch the other kids play.  H spends a lot of time on the floor, but has yet to roll over.  All in good time - I'm pretty content with her staying stationary.

We love her - stinky butt and all.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Great Pumpkin

Papa Prose is a gardener.  This year, in addition to his lovely flowers, and pears and tomatoes, he added pumpkins.  Papa grew a pumpkin for each grandchild (of appropriate carving age).  The Prose Family does nothing on a small scale - so it was no surprise when Papa and Grandma came to visit, they unloaded Bennett's pumpkin with a two-wheeler!

Carving the Great Pumpkin was as much fun for AP as for BP.  Thanks, Papa!  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

H to the Izzo

Harps has known T her whole life.  T was one of her very first visitors, and of course, T had her camera.  Because T loves my kids, we have an amazing photo doc of the life of H to the Izzo.  From the tiny babe with sensitive skin, to the crying babe who made us sleep deprived, to the darling babe with a smile in her eyes - T captured it all.