there have been some big changes around here. bennett is wanting to do everything by himself. his favorite phrase, of late, is "don't help me, mommy. NOT AT ALL!!" this being said, i decided it was time to give the toilet a try. i am not a fan of parenting literature or advice columns, so in typical prose fashion, i decided to wing it (and not tell anyone, in case it was a miserable failure). i informed bennett he was done w/ diapers, and would now use the potty like mommy and daddy. then, i let him run around, with no pants. it did not take long for him to figure out how amazing the human body is (and, he will tell you, in detail, upon request). after one kitchen clean-up - no
more diapers!

the best part of this new found freedom is no more diapers! the worst part is no more diapers! every where we go, bennett has to check out the bathroom (including porta-pottys - which he described in awe as "WOW. COOL. AWESOME.") he also has to use the bathroom after he has been put to bed, and immediatley when we pull out of our drive.
Now, the last thing on B's To-Do list is always to go potty (for real).
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