hey, guys! happy halloween! i know what you are thinking... yes, i am pretty cute. (FYI - lately, every picture of me is taken in mommy's lap. that is because all i want to do is LOOK at the pictures. so, as soon as i see the camera, i make myself comfortable, and wait for the show to begin.) for tonight's celebration, i am TIGGER! i love to jump, and watch other people jump, so the outfit is rather appropriate.

in honor of the great pumpkin, we made cupcakes. i LOVE cupcakes, and mommy let me mix (after i got over my fear of the mixer) and even better, lick the spoon! i am still wondering why we had to bake those silly cakes, they were just fine from the bowl.

then, we carved pumpkins. daddy let me scoop out the insides, but it was pretty yucky, and i am not a big fan of yucky on my hands. i rather enjoy crunching on salted seeds, and watching the pumpkins glow. i am quick to show any guests "daddy's pumpkin" (not mommy's, just daddy's).

ohhh, but wait, there is still - all the candy. we have been sampling candy all week, so we can provide trick-or-treaters with the best selection. last night, mommy said "enough candy". i was not impressed with this new rule. i put forth my best argument...

hoping you get many more treats than tricks!