Tuesday, December 31, 2024

 2024 was a year - and a very wise man told me it's one to "put on the shelf and take from it whatever makes us stronger and happy". That's what I intend to do. Providing us with strength and happiness was a good old with a ProJac Family NYE extravaganza filled with light and love (and no puzzle).

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Day/Night 2024 Tradition of a winter walk, Chinese food and apocalyptic movie night didn't disappoint.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Last Winter Formal for Bennett. His preparation included making sure to get home from an impromptu CO ski trip with T, just in time to find something in his closet and iron it.  Quick shower and some hair goop and he was ready to go. 

First Winter Formal for Harper. Her preparation started months prior, as we purchased 4 options for dresses before deciding on this sparkly navy ensemble.  Shoes were purchased and sufficiently scuffed before hitting the dance floor. Hair washed the night before and curled, touches of make-up and gloss and delicate pearl jewelry rounded out the fit.

They danced (or jumped around) all night, and both had a great time getting home close to midnight, and sleeping in the next morning - until like 8am.


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Talk about spreading holiday cheer for all to hear!! This group of wonderful people showed up to serenade me with some of holiday favorites ("Joy to the World", "Baby it's Cold Outside" and - of course - "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas"). It was obvious they had spent time practicing after school, and even had the accompaniment of a ukulele. It's all about who you know, and I know some of the best humans on the planet. Thank you, RIS family. You matter.


Monday, December 16, 2024

Another bell ringing. December 16 was my last (of 28) radiation treatments. I went into it with the idea it wouldn't be so bad - stopping by the clinic every day for 10 minutes of radiation can't be as bad as infusion chemo, right? And, it wasn't, but it was not as easy as I was hoping. It was exhausting on a different level - could have been the radiation or the combo of radiation and the chemo pills - but either way, I finished and rang the bell!
Dear Mom and Dad,

    Surprise! Thank you for coming to my final treatment, and bringing goodies for the staff who took such good care of me during this time. More importantly, thank you for the endless love and support - without even saying it, I know and feel surrounded in so much strength. I can't imagine what it is like to see your child travel this path - but you have been there for whatever I need - even when I don't know what that is. 

                                        ♡ ~ gina


Sunday, December 8, 2024

 H and I went to the theatre to see the Great Theater production of "The Wizard of Oz". It was a wonderful performance, with some familiar faces in the cast - and Harper only slightly rolled her eyes as I reminisced on our wedding day, and told stories she "already knows, mom". 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Safar Family Thanksgiving - and this year there is so much to be thankful for - including Nicole came home for the holiday and the new hot tub on the deck! While I didn't take any pictures of food, you know there was plenty. And, don't ask about the camel... Unless you know where Mary and Joseph were hiding.

Gobble Gobble.


Thursday, November 28, 2024

This year, we are so grateful to celebrate 2 Thanksgivings. First up, Prose Family holiday at Lisa and Kent's new house (which is perfect for large groups of hungry folks). We took some pics and then headed toward Andover - hitting a few snow squalls along the way. We had a mid sized crew this year, and the highlight may have been the epic games of Uno Attack. We all came home happy, full and exhausted


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

In-between all the Thanksgivings and fishing adventures, we had to go get our real tree on a Wednesday! (gasp!) It was pretty slow on the tree farm, but the routine commenced. These kids love their traditions so much, every year even the conversations are the same.

Sooooo, short needle long needle?

SHORT - every year it's short.

Tall and skinny or short and fat?

TALL AND SKINNY - every year it's tall and skinny. We don't want to block the fire place.

It's my favorite tree.


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

 B: Somedays, when I'm doing math with a pen in my mouth, I feel like Math Rambo.

Mom: Ummm, ok. Why?

B: Doesn't Rambo hold a knife in his mouth? I just hold a pen, instead.

Mom: I don't know - that seems like a question for your father.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

 The Great Prose Family Birthday Party 2024

Saturday, September 28, 2024

First and Final HOCO dance in the same building. Homecoming is not a fancy affair, you buy a Tshirt, that acts as your ticket. They danced a bit, and both made it past 11pm. They are just growing up so fast. 🤣


Friday, September 27, 2024

Let's do something normal - like go to a HoCo Parade and get some tootsie rolls, and then go get some chicken wings. 


Friday, September 20, 2024

Senior Pics Sneak Peek

