The day that Coco went on an adventure was September 30, 2023. The screen door accidentally was left ajar, and she didn't hesitate to go exploring. Not sure how long she was gone before we noticed, but what I am sure of is that we are surrounded by the most amazing neighbors. It didn't take long for the word to spread - and Morningstar was saturated with people searching for our calico wanderer. There were folks on bikes, and scooters - friends driving around in their pick up trucks, and neighbors putting out cans of tuna. It was a devastating few hours (particularly our sweet H - who did her best to pretend like she knew Coco would eventually come home), but also so incredibly overwhelming to feel such support from those around us.
We searched and searched for hours. Coco came back on her own accord - and was "rescued" next door on the deck. While Ronald missed her while she was away, the orange cat hissed at her for the next few days. And, we are keeping a close eye on the screen door.