Friday, September 30, 2022

Harper's September included being the best super fan for XC. She is incredibly skilled at cheering words of encouragement. She also, somehow magically, convinced her dad to (finally) agree it was time for a new couch, and it is amazing. Harper attended a few parades, including SC Pride, and also marched in the HOCO Parade with her student council group. She loves her kitties, takes pride in self-care, and loves a good impromptu photo shoot. 💜


Bennett's September was filled with door knocking for Aric Putnam. He has learned so much, and his colleagues continue to be amazed that he is only fifteen. They are so good at honoring his bedtime, and closing Zoom meetings early. 🤣 He was very excited to document his first pay check.

He has recovered from the minor stress fracture and has been putting up some impressive times during meets. Still waiting for the sub 20 5k, but it's coming. 

Bennett is super involved in student council, and has taken on the lead coordinator for the parade. And, of course there are Sundays with P.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Grade 10

Grade 7

Grade 3


Saturday, September 3, 2022

Celebrating Back to School with our favorite crew!

