Monday, May 31, 2021


Bennett joined the track and field team this year, and while the track people were not exactly "his people" - he had a good season on the track, and was able to survive completing the field events.

Yep.  It's been a year - but flowers and wine help.  And, the fact that we are on the final countdown...
Kylee K joined the 40 club!!  We were able to go to a restaurant (gasp!!) and stayed out past 10pm.  (Full disclosure, I got home at 10:18pm, and was sleeping by 10:30pm - but Kylee was none the wiser.

Bennett and friends worked hard creating an equity group in the middle school.  Their passion for advocacy and social justice makes me so proud - and hopeful.  They are the true leaders.
Happy Mother's Day to me!  No caption necessary. #betheschitt

First (and probably last? ๐Ÿ˜‚) - IN PERSON - orchestra concert.  Harper was able to bring one audience member, and I was the lucky winner!  It was weirdly awesome to see so many people in the same space.

Memorial Day 2021!  And we are all together again!!  ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒน

Even the Mister is back ๐Ÿ’ฏafter the destruction of the white Prius. ๐Ÿ™
