Friday, September 27, 2019

Years of experience, Best Student.  Years and years of experience.😂

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Me: Ok, Harps.  Today we are cleaning the toy room.
Harper:  No, I don't think we are.
Me: Yes.  We are.
Harper:  Are you sure?
Me: Yes. 
Harper:  Are you sure sure?
Me: Yes.
Harper:  Ok - but only if we can take before and after pics.
Me: Deal.

(No judgement, please.)



Mission accomplished.

Monday, September 16, 2019

There is no better reason to celebrate than Papa's birthday, and celebrate we did - with our favorite Proses and brunch!  Per usual, Andy and Lisa took charge of the menu, and it didn't disappoint.  Just check out this spread!  

We love you, Papa!!  This Bud's for you! 💗

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The older they get, the shorter the first day of school pep talk becomes.  We didn't have any tears this morning, and only a few last night.  Here are their thoughts: We love school, we want to start school, it's just that first day is scary and makes us nervous, and we already miss the freedom of summertime.  
But, we get ready, we take the pictures and we get on that bus.  And when we get home, we know mom was right - it's going to be the best year ever.
Class of 2025
Class of 2028
