...and through the prairie. Next, we traveled to Grammy and Grampy's farm. It's a long drive. A very long drive. However, the kids did great. Thank goodness for Colie. Bennett did not want to watch a movie on the way, he wanted to talk. For FOUR hours, he just wanted to chat.
We stayed for a few days, and even AP made it this year. (Shhhh - he thinks he travels to the farm every year for Christmas. Don't try to tell him that 2010 officially marked year number two.)
Bennett is the perfect age for Christmas. Everything is so magical. He believes, and he believes hard. Harper's first Christmas was pretty magical, as well, especially when she had her fairy god mother to snuggle with.
My camera made it just under 24 hours, before the battery died. So, quick summary - Santa came, and he left a note. The Great Ones are just that - pretty Great. The Cariveau Crew are our best friends for many reasons, but the top being the ability to play upstairs and drink wine during the day. We are the luckiest kids ever.
Ho Ho Ho. Here's to a 2011 full of total awesomeness.