Year 18 of blogging about the Ninja and the Gnome. We continue to laugh more than we cry. Enjoy as the hilarity ensues.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
December 23/4, 2011
December 23, 2011 marked one l-o-n-g day at school. The students were wired, and the teachers tired. After the 3:00pm bell, I raced home, to begin the journey HOME. We had packed the car with treats, and gifts, and snacks, and movies, and wine (not for the drive, of course, but for the arrival). We would be at the farm for one full day (and two short sleeps).
Christmas Eve Morning began with Grampy's infamous pancakes.
This mouse was the first clue that something big was about to happen.
The card - clue number two. We had not told Bennett and Harper that we would be going to Disney World. Grammy prepared special gift bags for each one, with Mickey inspired gifts; travel games, Mickey/Minnie shirts, a ticket to Disney World. We all waited expectantly for the reveal. Let's just say it was rather underwhelming. There were no tears, shouts of joy, or boggled disbelieving eyes. The 5 year old's response, "Oh, cool. What else is in the bag?" It took some convincing, and several YouTube videos to help Bennett wrap his brain around the idea of the trip.
The rest of the day was spent with the Great Ones. They love those little kids, and while they move slower than they used to, the sparkle in their eyes never dulls when Bennett and Harper walk into the room.
Per Family Tradition, Christmas Eve Eve was spent at the farm, with gifts and holiday cheer. We actually did deviate from tradition, our holiday meal was nachos, wine and pie. Talk about embracing change!
We left a snack and note for Santa, who of course, responded in his block letter script.
The very next morning, we woke early, unwrapped Santa gifts, and packed up the car for the journey back home. Unpacking and repacking began as soon as we arrived in Sartell. Christmas Day consisted of wine and fish sticks.
Let the magic begin.
Christmas Eve Morning began with Grampy's infamous pancakes.
The card - clue number two. We had not told Bennett and Harper that we would be going to Disney World. Grammy prepared special gift bags for each one, with Mickey inspired gifts; travel games, Mickey/Minnie shirts, a ticket to Disney World. We all waited expectantly for the reveal. Let's just say it was rather underwhelming. There were no tears, shouts of joy, or boggled disbelieving eyes. The 5 year old's response, "Oh, cool. What else is in the bag?" It took some convincing, and several YouTube videos to help Bennett wrap his brain around the idea of the trip.
The rest of the day was spent with the Great Ones. They love those little kids, and while they move slower than they used to, the sparkle in their eyes never dulls when Bennett and Harper walk into the room.
Per Family Tradition, Christmas Eve Eve was spent at the farm, with gifts and holiday cheer. We actually did deviate from tradition, our holiday meal was nachos, wine and pie. Talk about embracing change!
We left a snack and note for Santa, who of course, responded in his block letter script.
The very next morning, we woke early, unwrapped Santa gifts, and packed up the car for the journey back home. Unpacking and repacking began as soon as we arrived in Sartell. Christmas Day consisted of wine and fish sticks.
Let the magic begin.
The Chopper
While Bennett's favorite gift thus far is his science kit, AP's has a
new favorite toy, as well. Andy's big sister takes home the prize, for
the remote controlled helicopter she gave her littlest brother. 
Several nights, this is how I have found the boy and his dad. They focus so directly on keeping that chopper from crashing. When it does crash (and it usually does) they laugh, and talk about the details of the crash, then discuss how to operate the vehicle in a successful manner. I have thought about reminding Andy that the boy is 5 YEARS OLD, and does not have much experience with toys of this caliber, then Bennett gives a detailed suggestion, that usually results in another, bigger and better crash. And the process begins again... It's rather comical. I'm pretty sure - if Harper could stay awake past 6pm - we would roll our eyes at those boys.

Saturday, December 24, 2011
The Prose Family has an elf. His name is Freddie. Freddie arrived right after Thanksgiving. Freddie is a scout elf, sent via the Claus. It is his job to keep an eye on the kids of 1407.
There are a few rules with Freddie. You can not touch the elf. If you do, you will take away some of his magic. You can talk to Freddie, but he can not talk to you. It is his job to listen, and listen only. Freddie flies home to the North Pole each night, to report your behavior to Santa. He returns each morning, and you need to locate him.
Freddie is quite the prankster.
Freddie caught a ride home with Santa on Christmas Eve. He left a gift for Bennett and Harps, and will return next season.
There are a few rules with Freddie. You can not touch the elf. If you do, you will take away some of his magic. You can talk to Freddie, but he can not talk to you. It is his job to listen, and listen only. Freddie flies home to the North Pole each night, to report your behavior to Santa. He returns each morning, and you need to locate him.
Freddie is quite the prankster.
Freddie caught a ride home with Santa on Christmas Eve. He left a gift for Bennett and Harps, and will return next season.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Weird Science
Lately, Bennett is obsessed with science. He wants to make potions and do experiments. Being a scientist is a perfect profession for the kid, because he never stops asking questions. Uncle Eric and Auntie Amy gave Bennett the ideal gift this season - a science kit for wizards only! He was so excited, we had to actually hid the box until we got home from Papa and Grandma's house. That night, as Harper lay sleeping, Bennett and Andy practiced the scientific method, in a wizardly way.
Lesson number one: Never eat or drink your experiment.
Lesson number two: Only good magic allowed.
Lesson number three: Sit on the stool safely.
Lesson number one: Never eat or drink your experiment.
Lesson number two: Only good magic allowed.
Lesson number three: Sit on the stool safely.
Prose Family Christmas
Christmas at the river is always one of my favorite days of the year. From the minute we walk in the front door, to the time we pile the kids back in the car, it's chaos. Sweet, beautiful, noisy chaos.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Spread the Love
T and I have several crazy ideas, and spend hours and hours developing these ideas. This holiday season, we decided to make as many gifts as possible. We knew this would take some research, time, and vodka. We were very dedicated to the purpose (and vodka), and spent the first weekend in December spreading the love.
We knew we would need jars - and both collected as many as possible from area recycling bins and neighbors and colleagues. We gathered various shapes and sizes.
We cleaned and sanatized the jars. Then, the mixing began. With all organic and co-op bought ingrediants, we started by making the lotion.
Next, we made soap (which is very, very, dangerous),
and candles with various scents,
and lip balm. Then we prepared and packaged the goods.
So much love was spread that weekend, and so much learned. It was a lot of work, but well worth the experience. I'm so thankful that my bestie and I are only pioneer women on weekends of our choice.
We are totally making gifts next year, but I'm pretty sure it will be wine and beer.
We knew we would need jars - and both collected as many as possible from area recycling bins and neighbors and colleagues. We gathered various shapes and sizes.
Next, we made soap (which is very, very, dangerous),
and candles with various scents,
and lip balm. Then we prepared and packaged the goods.
We are totally making gifts next year, but I'm pretty sure it will be wine and beer.
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