Monday, September 6, 2010

no love

poor AP... he gets no (blog) love.  it's about time that this man gets the recognition he so rightly deserves.  AP is a man of many talents.  those of you who know him well, can attest to his various skills - including, but not limited to waterski jumping, pig farming, skateboarding, carpentry, the culinary arts and general multi-tasking.  our house would not be able to function without AP. while the kids and i spent the summer galavanting across the tri-state area - AP was working at the hotel, fletcher's and home.

one of his many at home projects included re-doing the floors on our main level and entry way.

he also spent a day or two hanging things around the house; new kitchen hardward, towel racks in the bathrooms, pictures and paintings everywhere and (bennett's favorite) a coat rack for the kids.
AP worked two jobs this summer, fathered two children, was the husband to one crazy woman, had back surgery and yet somehow continues to train for his first marathon. (again, those of you who know AP are not surprised.)
When I fell in love with this man, I so admired his motivation and work ethic.  At times over the past 12 years, I have despised his motivation and work ethic.  He is who he is.  He  is always doing something, or planning to do something, or on the way to Home Depot to get something to do. Regardless of what project he is working on, or what job he is getting done, AP always puts his family first.  He does what he does for us.  He is a remarkable father and husband. 
much love AP.  only love.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


ka·ra·te : a noun

1.  a method developed in Japan of defending oneself without the use of weapons by striking sensitive areas on an attacker's body with the hands, elbows, knees, or feet
2.  a sport based on this method of self-defense
3. Bennett's dream come true 



this post is strictly for posterity...

Month five
Month six

Month seven

Month eight

Month nine

Prose Family 4.0

The first weekend in August, we traveled to Wayzata Beach for our annual family photos. Tamara and Doug were able to schedule us early in the morning, which seems to be when our family is highest functioning. I was a little nervous, as Haper was in the first of many "phases".  When I say "phase" I mean crying all day and night... (aside note: she has moved out of that phase, thankfully.) Doug and Tamara were great with both kids, and we had a nice morning on the beach - sans swimming.