Monday, August 23, 2010

Bennett's Firsts of July

Considering that my baby sister was a big bum this summer (see below), I felt compelled to make up for her lack of activity.  July came and went.  August is almost over.  Here is a quick peek into the life of the 3 year old Prose...

July began with our first annual, 4th of July Boat Parade.  Our boat was decorated in a pirate theme, and I can't help but think I had some major influence on that decision.  Our parade consisted of five boats, next year we are hoping to double our fleet.  Email my Grammy if you're interested.
My July of firsts included my first Twins game, at the brand new stadium!  My favorite part was singing the song, because I know all the words, and quite frankly, I'm a great singer. I hope to make this a summer tradition.  Are you reading this, Grampy?  That means EVERY SUMMER.
The Prose Family took our first Family of FOUR Vacation.  We spent a long weekend in Duluth.  I was excited about the big ships, and the aquarium, but mostly I just wanted to swim at the hotel.
We did not miss the Marshall County Fair and parade.  I am rather fond of parades, and the candy they throw during these events.  I try to hit up every parade possible, and am quite versed in parade etiquette (stand at attention as the flags pass, don't run out on the street, share your candy with kids around you, wear sunscreen...).
ummm, yep.  that's my Grampy, in costume - again.  I'm seeing a pattern begin to emerge...
In between the fairs, and parades, and family traveling, I spent the majority of my summer at the lake.  Daddy told me I was home a total of 18 hours in July.  Why be home when you can be at the lake with your friends, a kayak, and some very big hands?
I was not the only one spending some quality time with besties.  Mommy was super excited because we got to see so much of her posse.  It has evolved in recent years, but it still has all the original members.
Now that it is mid-August, I must begin to quiet my spirit, or my mom needs to get back to work, or both.

Harper's July

The majority of Harper's July was spent in the above, and below states.  Harps was crying, sleeping or eating.  That's it.

Fortunately for Harps (and mama) she was able to spend a lot of time w/ the Cariveau Kids.  Baby Brit Brit was at the same activity (or lack there of) level.
H is eating 3ish ounces every 3ish hours.  She is a really good eater, one of the many differences of her and her brother.
Don't believe everything you see.  H is not a great sleeper (again, so NOT like her brother).  She cat naps during the day, and is - slowly - figuring out night.  We will keep her, however, because she looks super sweet in bright pink headbands.
