Thursday, August 2, 2012

Men Down

While Andy was laid up in bed (I never understood that term.  He was definitely not "laid up".  He was absolutely "laid down".), it was time for the orthopedics to check out the boy.  We had a 10 minute appointment, and yep, they too decided it was a double break.  Then came time for... the cast.
Bennett was not super excited about the possibility of a cast.  In fact, he was fairly certain that he could keep his arm safe, and still, for as long as it needed to heal.  The doctors and the mama knew better, so the cast was created.
 Bennett got to choose from a variety of colors.  As he weighed the options, in my head I chanted, "Please not camouflage. Please not camouflage. Please not camouflage."  Halleluiah!  He chose orange.

 His arm was wrapped, and set, and wrapped again.  The doctors told us to come back in two weeks, as "these little guys are quick healers". 

 We are hoping to get the cast of before kindergarten.  We should probably get a haircut, too.

  Official Tough Guy.

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